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Posts tagged as “Electric Vehicle”

TruSpin reports on new Battery Technology

TruSpin Nanomaterial Innovation (trupsin) claims they have developed a break through battery technology. The company says their new technology employs silicone nanofibers on the negative…

Are EVs a liability in a natural disaster?

Are EVs a blessing or liability during a major power blackout? Are ICEs a more reliable option if the grid fails? EVs are the wave…

How important is EV Range?

The importance of EV Range. On CNET’s Road Show site, Tim Stevens just published a feature about Audi CEO Markus Duesman. Duesman had some interesting…

Jaguar promises to be ICE free by 2025

Writing for, Matt Kimberley dissects Jaguar’s announcement that the venerable British car company will be ICE free by 2025. The company will switch to…

Rivian rumored to be eying Europe Locations

US-based Electric Vehicle manufacturer Rivian hasn’t started shipping their eagerly awaited pickup yet. That has not kept the Plymouth, Michigan based EV maker from looking…

DIY Corvette EV Conversion step by step

DIY Corvette EV Conversion. Over at the DIY Electric Car Forums, user Dantm has started documenting his C5 Corvette EV transformation. There are only a…

Flywheels aid in fast EV charging

An Israeli company called Chakratec has developed a charging system for EVs that uses Flywheels to accelerate charging. The Chakratec Kinetic Power Booster consists of…